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Panama ‘City of Knowledge Work Permit’ Visa

Panama City of Knowledge Visa Description

(Visa de Permiso de Trabajo en Ciudad del Saber, Panama)

This visa allows foreigners who have business investments in Panama to secure employee work permits for their companies. As with the tax free processing zone visa, this is dependent on the investor renting land, offices or buildings for the purpose of operating a business in Panama. This particular visa requires investment in the Panama City of Knowledge, located within the old US Army Fort Clayton military base. Significant tax advantages are available for investors with interests in manufacturing, software creation, assembly line plants and call centers. Tax benefits also apply to a percentage of goods produced and sold locally.

The work permit is available a range of individuals whose purpose is to contribute to the Panama City of Knowledge Foundation (PCKF). Professors, students, researchers, students, technicians and businessmen are all eligible to apply under the current criteria.

General Rules

  • All visa applications must be made via a lawyer in Panama
  • All documents from overseas must be fully authenticated (as described in the ‘Documents Required’ section below)

Visa Documents

panama city of knowledge

Documents Required from Home

  • Authenticated copies of valid passports (with at least 1 year to run) of the applicant and dependents 
  • 6 passport sized photos of the applicant and dependents
  • A marriage certificate (if your spouse is to be listed as a dependent) or birth certificates of children that are dependents
  • Authenticated Original Police Record covering the applicant’s place of residence for the last 5 years (including all dependents)
  • A financial reference letter from the applicant’s bank, investment firm or credit union 

 *All documents must be authenticated by a Notary and by the nearest Panamanian Consulate, or by a Notary and the Apostille.

*All documents must be sufficiently up to date within 2 months of the visa application being made.

Documents to be Obtained in Panama

We will assist you with all documentation to be obtained in Panama.
Applicants must provide all documents and sign the Special Power of Attorney that authorizes us to act on your behalf and supervise your immigration file.
Your application will be submitted to the Panama Ciudad del Saber  'City of Knowledge Program' for a 2 year work permit. Temporary immigrant cards (valid for three months) are issued whilst permits are processed.

Other Documents Requirements

For applicants who are researchers:

  • A certificate from the Executive Director of the PCKF validating the authenticity of the applicant’s business, nature of the work and details of the company rental agreement
  • Letter of responsibility from the employer, detailing application’s work location and salary
  • Proof of CSS affiliation and Social Security Card (a copy is sufficient)

For applicants who are educators:

  • Certificate showing educational purpose in home country and accreditation details
  • A certificate from the Executive Director of the PCKF confirming the school’s existence, nature of the work and length of stay details
  • Letter from host business outlining activities and earned salary details
  • Proof of CSS affiliation and Social Security Card (a copy is sufficient)

For businessmen or executives: 

  • A certificate from the Executive Director of the PCKF validating the authenticity of the applicant’s business, nature of the work and terms of stay
  • Letter from parent company certifying applicant activity, terms of stay as an executive and statement that they will carry out no other activity inside Panama
  • Proof of CSS affiliation and Social Security Card (a copy is sufficient)

For technicians:

  • A letter of responsibility from the employer, stating salary to be earned
  • A certificate from the Executive Director of the PCKF confirming the existence of the business, nature of the work and length of stay details
  • Copy of card and work permit
  • Proof of CSS affiliation and Social Security Card (a copy is sufficient)

For students:

  • A certificate from the Executive Director of the PCKF confirming the school’s existence
  • Certificate from the education centre that the applicant is full time and is attending accredited, approved courses

On arrival in Panama, all applicants and dependents must also undergo a medical in order to receive a Certificate of Good Health. These are signed by a licensed physician, indicating that all applicants are of sound physical and mental health, and carry no communicable disease threat. This medical must be completed on your initial visit.

Once visas have been approved, we recommend that all applicants remain in Panama for between 10-14 days. Immigration can hold passports for up to 5 days whilst all necessary paperwork is completed. Formal dress is required: applicants in shorts, t-shirts and sandals may be refused entry.

Panama Visas

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    Please Be Aware: Under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act(FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), you cannot eliminate your taxes without changing your residence if you live in a country subject to these regulations. While an offshore company can enhance your privacy and protect your assets, you remain responsible for fulfilling tax obligations in your country of residence, including any taxes tied to the ownership of overseas entities.

    Non-resident companies are not taxed in the country where they are incorporated. However, as the owner, you are required to pay taxes in your country of residence. Offshore Protection is not a tax advisor. Please consult a qualified local tax or legal professional for personalized advice.

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