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Mauritius Trust Formation: Establishing A Secure Asset Protection Structure

Mauritius Trust Formation: Establishing A Secure Asset Protection Structure
Last updated on 15 September 2024. Written by Offshore Protection.

Mauritius is well-regarded as an international financial center with a robust legal framework that supports the formation and management of trusts, appealing to those seeking to manage their assets efficiently. These types of trusts, known as Mauritius trusts, enable individuals and entities to take advantage of the country's favorable tax regime, ensuring asset protection and estate planning. The trusts are governed by the Mauritius Trusts Act of 2001 and can be tailored to the specific needs of settlors, beneficiaries, or for particular purposes.

The process of establishing a Mauritius trust involves selecting a licensed trustee, often a specialist firm, which plays a crucial role in managing and safeguarding the trust's assets. Mauritius trust law stipulates several parties in trust administration, such as a protector, who oversee the trustee's actions. Trusts in Mauritius can be set up for various objectives, including estate planning, asset protection, and charitable or non-charitable purposes. Trusts offer confidentiality for the involved parties, and a carefully structured Mauritius trust can lead to significant benefits in terms of asset control and financial management.

Key Takeaways

  • Mauritius trusts offer efficient asset management and estate planning affording confidentiality and protection.
  • The Mauritius Trusts Act of 2001 provides a flexible legal framework for trust formation and operation.
  • Experienced trustees and protectors are integral to ensuring trust compliance and governance in Mauritius.

Overview of Mauritius Trusts

Mauritius Trusts have emerged as preferred vehicles for wealth structuring due to their robust legal framework and strategic benefits. They are recognized for facilitating effective wealth management and asset protection for both residents and non-residents.

Legal Framework

The governing legislation for trusts in Mauritius is the Trusts Act of 2001. This Act regulates the creation and administration of trusts and outlines the responsibilities of trustees. A trust in Mauritius must be manifested via a written document, ensuring transparency and clarity in the trust's operation. The Act does not require Mauritius trusts to be registered, which offers privacy to the settlors and beneficiaries. It also provides for the appointment of a 'Protector,' who has fiduciary responsibilities towards the beneficiaries.

Benefits of Establishing a Trust in Mauritius

There are several advantages to setting up a trust in Mauritius:

  • Tax efficiency: Mauritius offers a favorable tax environment, which can encourage wealth generation and provide fiscal benefits to the trust.
  • Asset protection: Assets placed in a trust can be protected from personal liabilities and uncertainties.
  • Succession planning: A Mauritius trust can ensure that assets are transferred according to the settlor's wishes without being subject to inheritance laws.
  • Confidentiality: As registration is not mandatory, the details of the trust may remain private.
  • Flexibility: The legal structure in Mauritius allows for a variety of trusts to be established, including discretionary, fixed interest, purpose, and charitable trusts.

Trusts in Mauritius thus offer a combination of legal protection, financial advantages, and privacy, making them attractive options for individuals and entities looking to manage and safeguard their assets effectively.

Key Concepts and Parties

In Mauritius, the establishment of a trust involves distinct roles that each party plays to ensure the trust operates as intended. These concepts and parties are integral to the trust's functionality and legal standing.

The Role of Settlor

The settlor is the individual who creates the trust by transferring assets into it for the benefit of the designated beneficiaries. The settlor's crucial decisions include selecting the trust's terms, appointing trustees, and sometimes naming a protector to oversee the trustees’ actions.

Duties and Responsibilities of Trustees

Trustees hold the fiduciary duty to manage the trust's assets in the best interest of the beneficiaries. They are the legal owners of the trust assets and are required by Mauritius Trust Act 2001 to act with due diligence and avoid conflicts of interest. Trustees' responsibilities include:

  • Administering the trust assets as per the settlor's wishes.
  • Acting impartially towards all beneficiaries.
  • Keeping accurate records of all trust transactions.

Rights and Interests of Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries are those who benefit from the trust. They have the following rights:

  • To receive distributions from the trust as dictated by its terms.
  • To be informed about the trust and its administration, subject to the trust deed's stipulations.

It is the trustees’ responsibility to balance the present and future interests of beneficiaries when managing the trust.

Types of Trusts in Mauritius

Mauritius offers a range of trust structures suitable for wealth management, succession planning, and philanthropic endeavours. Below are the primary types of trusts available within the legal framework of this jurisdiction.

Discretionary Trusts

A Discretionary Trust is where trustees have the authority to make decisions about the distribution of assets to beneficiaries. These trusts are effective for wealth protection and tax planning, as they allow trustees to consider the changing needs and circumstances of the beneficiaries over time.

Purpose Trusts

Purpose Trusts are established to achieve specific objectives, which do not necessarily include identifiable beneficiaries. Instead, these trusts are focused on accomplishing set goals, which may range from holding shares of a private company to ensuring the continuation of an investment strategy.

Charitable Trusts

A Charitable Trust in Mauritius is designed for the benefit of the public or a section of the community. As per local laws, charitable purposes may include relief of poverty, advancement of education, promotion of health, and other purposes beneficial to the community.


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Employee Benefit Trusts

Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) are set up by employers to provide benefits to their employees and sometimes their dependents. These trusts often include pension funds, share schemes, or other incentives aimed at employee welfare and motivation.

The Formation Process

In Mauritius, the formation of a trust is a structured process that involves the creation of a legal document, the selection of trustees, and the transfer of assets into the trust.

Drafting the Trust Deed

The initial step in setting up a Mauritius trust is Drafting the Trust Deed. This deed is a critical legal document that outlines the framework of the trust, including the duties of the trustees, the rights of the beneficiaries, and the terms under which the trust will operate. The trust deed should be meticulously prepared to ensure clarity and compliance with The Trust Act of 2001.

Selecting Qualified Trustees

Selection of a Qualified Trustee or trustees is paramount. Trustees hold the responsibility for managing the trust assets and carrying out the settlor’s wishes as detailed in the trust deed. It is essential that they are reliable, well-informed of their legal obligations, and have a comprehensive understanding of trust law in Mauritius.

Declaration of Trust and Settlement

The formation process culminates with the Declaration of Trust and Settlement. The settlor formally declares the trust by transferring the legal control of the trust assets to the trustees. This settlement act renders the trust operational, and the trustees begin administering the assets in favor of the beneficiaries, pursuant to the terms stipulated in the trust deed.

Asset Protection and Confidentiality

In Mauritius, trusts offer robust methods for shielding assets and maintaining stringent confidentiality standards, serving both individual and corporate needs.

Protecting Assets from Creditors

Trusts in Mauritius provide a legal framework for individuals and corporations to safeguard assets from potential creditors. An irrevocable trust, once established, places the assets beyond the reach of the settlor's personal financial obligations, hence protecting the trust assets from claims. This separation of ownership effectively builds a barrier against legal judgments, ensuring that beneficiaries' interests are preserved.

Confidentiality and Privacy Safeguards

Mauritian trust law enforces strong confidentiality measures, which are among its most appealing features. There is no public registry for trusts, ensuring the identities of the settlors and beneficiaries remain undisclosed. This level of privacy is further supported by the Banking Secrecy Act of 1984, emphasizing the country's commitment to safeguarding the privacy of those who choose Mauritius as a jurisdiction for their trusts.

Financial Considerations

When dealing with Mauritius Trusts, it is imperative to understand the financial landscape—the tax regime and regulatory environment—in which they operate. These elements are critical, as they define the fiscal obligations and advantages trustees and beneficiaries might expect.

Tax Implications of Mauritius Trusts

Mauritius Trusts come with specific tax implications that necessitate careful consideration. Income tax is levied on a Trust based on the settlor's residency status at the creation of the Trust or at the time of settlement of assets into the Trust. Trusts with a settlor who is a non-resident, or who holds a Global Business License, can potentially claim an exemption from income tax.

On the other hand, Trusts with a settlor resident in Mauritius at the relevant times are subject to local income tax. Notably, the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021 abolished the declaration of non-residence option for trust taxation, impacting how trusts and foundations declare their tax residency and potentially affecting their eligibility for tax exemption.

  • Inheritance tax and estate duty are not applicable in Mauritius, making it a favorable environment for wealth structuring and succession planning.
  • Capital gains tax is not levied in Mauritius, which can be particularly beneficial for trusts that deal with investments yielding capital appreciation.

Exchange Control and Investment Regulations

Mauritius operates with a flexible investment regime with minimal exchange control restrictions. Residents and non-residents can freely move currency into and out of the country, facilitating international investment and transactions for Mauritius Trusts.

The regulatory framework supports a robust financial services industry, with the following considerations for Trusts:

  • Investments by Mauritius Trusts must comply with the prevailing exchange control regulations and any applicable investment guidelines.
  • Tax benefits for trusts in Mauritius include the absence of corporate tax, capital gains tax, and tax on dividends, with conditions that need to be met for these benefits to apply.

It is vital for trustees and beneficiaries to stay informed about the ongoing tax and regulatory changes to ensure compliance and optimize the financial benefits associated with Mauritius Trusts.

Trust Administration and Compliance

Effective trust administration in Mauritius involves a meticulous approach to fulfilling fiduciary duties, precise reporting, and compliance with local regulations, alongside strategic succession and wealth transfer planning.

Fiduciary Duties and Administration

Trust administration in Mauritius necessitates fiduciary responsibility from trustees, who must manage trust assets with due care and loyalty. They are legally bound to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries. This encompasses the proper accounting, management of assets, and ensuring that all decisions adhere to the trust's terms and established legal standards.

Reporting and Compliance with the FSC

Trustees in Mauritius must comply with the Financial Services Commission (FSC) mandates. The compliance includes registration of the trust and timely reporting. Details of the trust's structure, the trustees, beneficiaries, and an outline of the assets must be accurately disclosed. Non-compliance can result in penalties or the revocation of the trust's license to operate.

  • Key Compliance Obligations:
    • Annual financial statements
    • Anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) frameworks
    • Registrations and regular updates to the FSC

Succession Planning and Wealth Transfer

Succession planning and wealth transfer are integral components of trust administration in Mauritius. This process ensures a smooth transition of assets, mitigating risks related to estate taxes and legal disputes. Trustees play a pivotal role in estate planning, ensuring that the settlor's wishes are transparently and efficiently carried out.

  • Estates Planning Objectives:
    • Securing continuity of wealth
    • Minimizing potential conflicts among beneficiaries
    • Facilitating orderly distribution of assets

By adhering to these practices, trust entities in Mauritius can provide robust solutions for wealth management, ensuring long-term asset protection and adherence to governance protocols.

Legal Aspects and Governance

The governance of Mauritius trusts is primarily dictated by the Trusts Act 2001, which provides a legal framework for the creation and operation of trusts. Trustees are bound by this act to manage trusts in accordance with the stated jurisdiction and proper law.

Mauritius Trusts Act 2001 and Amendments

The Trusts Act 2001 establishes the duties and powers of trustees, the rights and interests of beneficiaries, and the roles of protectors and enforcers when present in a trust. Key provisions of the act include:

  • The Definition of a Trust and its Parties: The Act clearly delineates the roles of the settlor, the individual who establishes the trust, and the trustee, the entity responsible for managing the trust's assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

  • Trustee Obligations: The Act imposes fiduciary duties on trustees, ensuring they act with due care, skill, and diligence. It also sets forth conditions for trust creation and outlines the responsibilities for maintaining proper accounting records.

  • Amendments: Changes to the law occur periodically to refine the governance and efficiency of trusts. Lawyers specializing in trust law can provide guidance on current regulations and amendments.

Jurisdiction and Proper Law of Trusts

Jurisdiction plays a pivotal role in the administration of a trust, affecting its legal proceedings and enforcement. Proper law is critical in determining how a trust is interpreted and governed.

  • Choice of Jurisdiction: The settlor has the privilege to select the trust's jurisdiction, which will influence the legal processes and the application of law to the trust.

  • Application of Proper Law: The proper law of the trust is the legal system applied in interpreting the trust document and administering the trust's assets. This law influences every aspect of the trust, from tax implications to the resolution of disputes.

The Trusts Act 2001 and the jurisdictional choices made at the creation of a trust frame the legal landscape within which Mauritius trusts operate. Trustees must navigate these regulations while also honoring the interests of beneficiaries, making a comprehensive understanding of the law indispensable in trust governance.


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International Considerations

When engaging with Mauritius trusts, practitioners and beneficiaries are impacted by the international legal framework and tax considerations that Mauritius upholds due to its participation in global financial services.

Global Business and Cross-Border Trusts

Mauritius has established itself as a conducive environment for global business companies (GBC) owing to its flexible regulatory regime. GBCs in Mauritius can establish trusts that are often used for asset protection and succession planning, spanning multiple jurisdictions. These cross-border trusts take advantage of Mauritius' legal framework, which is based on English common law practices, to offer robust structures for international investors.

Mauritius' Tax Treaty Network and Residency

Mauritius is noteworthy for its extensive tax treaty network, providing potential tax benefits for trusts where either the settlor or beneficiaries are non-residents. The conditions for residency play a crucial role in the determination of tax obligations in Mauritius.

  • Non-resident Trusts: They must submit a Declaration of Non-Residence to remain free from Mauritian tax on foreign income.
  • Resident Trusts: These entities benefit from Mauritius' tax treaties but must navigate local tax liabilities.

The country's strategy includes the migration of trusts, allowing trusts from other jurisdictions to relocate to Mauritius while maintaining their original settling date. This feature enhances the attractiveness of Mauritius as a jurisdiction for offshore trusts.

Specialized Trust Structures

In Mauritius, specialized trust structures provide tailored solutions for estate planning, wealth management, and asset protection. These structures are designed to meet the specific needs of settlors and beneficiaries through various entities like private trust companies and foundations.

Private Trust Companies

A private trust company (PTC) is a specific corporate entity created to act as a trustee for a single trust or a group of related trusts. It allows for a higher degree of control over the trust's administration by its beneficiaries and settlors, which can be advantageous for families seeking to consolidate management of their wealth. Moreover, PTCs in Mauritius can cater to the particular preferences of a family, allowing for personalized trustee services while ensuring compliance with the Mauritius Trust Act 2001.

Foundations as an Alternative

A foundation in Mauritius serves as an alternative to a traditional trust structure, yet it offers similar benefits in terms of wealth management and preservation. Unlike trusts which are based on common law principles, a foundation is a separate legal entity and thus provides an added layer of legal protection and control. It can be particularly useful when beneficiaries need a structure that can hold assets and manage distributions directly. Foundations in Mauritius can be set up for various purposes, including charitable, private, corporate, or family interests, similar to different types of trusts.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, readers will find concise answers to common inquiries about Mauritius trusts, shedding light on aspects ranging from benefits for estate planning to the taxation framework.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting up a trust in Mauritius?

Trusts in Mauritius offer advantages such as asset protection, estate planning, and potential tax benefits. However, setting up a trust can also entail disadvantages like complexity in establishment and management, costs involved, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

What are the specific benefits of a Mauritius trust for estate planning?

A Mauritius trust can help in estate planning by providing a legal framework to manage and distribute assets to beneficiaries, potentially avoiding probate and ensuring privacy. It can also offer protection against creditors and legal judgments.

Can you explain the different types of trusts available under Mauritian law?

Mauritian law accommodates various types of trusts, including discretionary trusts, where the trustee has discretion over the distribution of assets; purpose trusts, established for a specific purpose rather than beneficiaries; and charitable trusts, which are set up exclusively for charitable purposes.

What are the legal requirements to establish a trust in Mauritius?

To establish a trust in Mauritius, a formal trust deed must be drafted, appointing a trustee who will administer the trust assets. The settlor must transfer assets into the trust, and beneficiaries need to be clearly defined. The trust must also comply with the Trusts Act 2001.

What is the role of trust companies in the establishment and management of Mauritian trusts?

Trust companies in Mauritius assist in the formation and ongoing management of trusts. Their roles include ensuring compliance with local laws, providing trusteeship services, managing trust assets, and offering advice to settlers or beneficiaries on trust-related matters.

What is the taxation framework for trusts in Mauritius?

Trusts in Mauritius are subject to the corporate tax framework, however, certain conditions may allow for the declaration of non-residency, resulting in different tax treatment. Trust income may be taxed, but distributions to non-resident beneficiaries are often tax-exempt. It's important for trustees to understand these regulations to ensure compliance and optimize the trust's tax position.

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***Please Be Aware: Due to FATCA, CRS, and CFC laws you will not be able to eliminate your taxes without moving your residence if your live in a country with these regulations. An offshore company can increase your privacy and protect your assets, however you still have tax obligations in the country where you live which are tied to your ownership of overseas entities.

Non resident companies are not taxed in the country where they are incorporated rather, you as the owner are obligated to pay taxes in the country where you reside. Please make sure you know your tax obligations as we are not tax advisors. Please seek a local tax professional in the country where you live for personal advice. 

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